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NZ Chefs Board


Shannon Fryer

Appointment pending for the
position of Vice President

Geoff Scott 2-681-142-809-768-624

Geoff Scott
Lecturer – Culinary Arts
Auckland University of Technology
Area of Interest:
Youth Developmen

McLeod crop-514-986-307.

Hamuera Orupe McLeod

Matua Rangatira Tohunga Tūmau Senior Māori Executive Master Chef
Te Utu - Interest
Te Whakanui Nga Mātauranga o Te Whare Ā Kai Māori o Aotearoa Mua Ngai Tauiwi
- Recognition of pre-European classical House of Māori Culinary Science across New Zealand.

Rowe crop small-859-344-938

Rowe Kaa

Catering Operational Support Manager
Royal New Zealand Navy New Zealand Defence Force.

Area of Interest
Teaching and Judging Culinary Arts,
and development through maritime training

Mark Sycamore

Academic Staff Member - Cookery
Ara Institute of Canterbury/ Te Pukenga
Area of Interest
Coach/Mentor, NZ Chef Senior Competitors



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